In our recent Succession Management webinar, three key themes emerged from the questions submitted by participants: the role of Boards in CEO succession, diversity of talent pipeline, and how to best identify and retain candidates for leadership roles. In the following videos, our succession experts share their insights on these topics.

Anita Wingrove, Director of Assessment and Succession Practice at Korn Ferry, explains the role of board in CEO succession.
Watch on demand: Reimagining Succession Management
Read transcript: "...And of course in this climate, the level of disruption and disintermediation, the fourth Industrial Revolution, global changes and so forth, the role of the CEO has never been more complex."

Michelle Peterson, Client Partner at Korn Ferry, shares comments on how to bring diversity to your pipeline of top talent.
Watch on demand: Reimagining Succession Management
Read transcript: "...this is not a quick fix. It’s a really long term sustainable investment that begins with your middle management."

Rebecca Bose, Senior Principal at Korn Ferry, explains how to assess the competencies needed in your talent pipeline.
Watch on demand: Reimagining Succession Management
Read transcript: "I think our best advice to you when trying to measure traits and drivers and assess those well, is to deploy a valid, robust measurement tool."

Rebecca Bose, Senior Principal at Korn Ferry, comments on how to retain the individuals in your high succession program.
Watch on demand: Reimagining Succession Management
Read transcript: "'s all about knowing and staying connected to your key talent."


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